A Look at the Host School:

Quotes from Students

Pre-Kindergarten Student: [When asked what he liked most about visiting the media center.] “[I like] watching the books on the activeboard.” [These are e-books that allow for interaction using the media center’s activeboard.

Kindergarten Student: “I like to go to the library and check out books. I like the Arthur books and the Franklin books the best. I like to go home and read them with my mom.”

1st Grade Student: “I love coming to the library. We don’t get to come a whole lot. We only get to pick out one book and we can only stay for a few minutes. I wish we could stay in here longer and look at more of the books.”

  2nd Grade Student: “I really like reading books about animals in the ocean. I just checked out a book about sharks. There are some books that are about real sharks, but there are some books about sharks that are just make-believe. I like both kinds.”

From Another Perspective:

Quotes from Teachers

Pre-Kindergarten Teacher: “We are very fortunate to have such a diverse media center that includes books for older students as well as sources for nonreaders.”

Kindergarten Teacher: “The technology is amazing! If I ever need additional resources to use when planning units or lesson plans, our librarian is wonderful in finding extra things we can use!”

1st Grade Teacher: “I was surprised at the amount of nonfiction literature our media center has on display and for use. We are currently working on a unit about amphibians and reptiles. I’m sure I’ll be able access books, as well as some non-books, to make the lessons come to life!”

2nd Grade Teacher: “While my students are somewhat of the “upperclassmen” of the school, I am glad to see a diversity of resources. Many times my students make comments about not wanting to read picture books and desiring more of the beginning chapter books. Our media center has adequate amounts of both! I am so glad to see an activeboard actually being put to use in the media center as well. My students will be learning about basic research this year, so I plan on putting the reference section to good use!”

